Midjourney: Unleashing creativity through the fusion of AI and Art

Over the past month, I’ve been immersing myself in the fascinating world of Midjourney, a generative AI program capable of transforming natural language descriptions into captivating images. The initial learning curve was steep, as it required mastering the intricacies of its Discord server. Prior to this, my experience was limited to tinkering with Bing’s AI image generation, which ultimately lost its charm due to less than satisfactory results. Although the standard subscription for Midjourney comes with a heftier price tag, $288 annually or $24 monthly, I find the investment justifiable considering the unique and superior creative possibilities it offers.

To date, I have generated 5,347 jobs not including upscales. Below my top AI generated image is about minimalism.

The second top image is also on minimalism:

The third top image is a portrait of a Filipino woman. The prompt is “Render a cinematic still; A close  up of a fantastical filipino woman with full face paint, covered in silks; in a strange setting; Her attire is a captivating mix of flowy clothing and baroque accessories, contrasting against a dimly lit backdrop; emphasize a unique identifying mark or accessory; in a hyper  realistic and cinematic style, with high contrast lighting for a mysterious and atmospheric mood “. The default face of a woman is usually white and I wanted to represent Filipino women in my image generation:

Minimalism is the top 4th image as well. Just like the users, I enjoy art that makes me chill or relax. I love this art.

The fifth image is about the crossroads of artificial intelligence. The prompt I used here is “A man is touching the hand of an artificial entity, in the style of realistic yet romantic, futuristic robots, 8k resolution, precisionist art, trapped emotions depicted, romantic emotivity, classical, historical genre scenes”

As you can see, just like human-made art, AI art can be beautiful, thought-provoking, or even disturbing. When I started my Midjourney subscription, my goal was to be able to understand the program so I could detect AI generated images from real ones. So far, I have been successful in detecting real photos at least 8 out of 10 tests. But I was confident about the art I generated from the program. Is it really art? After discussion with AI advocates and being active in the AI art community, I can say AI art is indeed considered a form of art. A few days ago, I started a new instagram called AIArtStrokes where I generate images on minimalism. the farm, Filipinos, cats , artificial intelligence and the various AI art styles.

Just like traditional forms of art, it involves the creation of something with aesthetic, expressive, or conceptual value. The difference is that AI art utilizes algorithms and machine learning models, like neural networks, to create or assist in creating art. These algorithms might generate images, shape music, or even create poetry.

AI art brings up fascinating questions about creativity and the role of the artist. Some argue that the creative process is different because a machine lacks human experiences and emotions. Others suggest that the humans who design and train the AI are the true artists, as they guide the model’s development and shape its output. Using of AI in the art world is expanding and changing our understanding of what art can be.

With the help of Bard, here are a few more reasons why AI art is considered a form of art:

Beauty for the Eyes: Just like traditional artworks, AI-created pieces can serve up a feast of pleasing visuals. AI creations can capture the essence of beauty, harmony, and balance, much like a hand-painted canvas or a delicately sculpted statue..

Thought-Provoking: AI doesn’t just generate images or music; it’s also capable of expressing thoughts and ideas. It might not think like a human, but it can definitely give us food for thought.

Human Touch: Humans are still very much at the heart of AI art. We design the software, guide its learning, and interpret its output, keeping us in the artistic loop just like in traditional arts.

Pushing Boundaries: AI art continues the tradition of pioneering new methods and technologies in the art world. Just like trailblazing artists of the past, it’s all about experimentation and innovation.

Feeling the Feels: Art moves us, and AI art is no different. It can evoke emotional responses, making us feel something when we engage with it. This emotional connection is a key aspect of what makes something “art.”

Food for Discussion: AI art can spark debates and stir interpretation, much like traditional art. It’s not just about looking or listening, but engaging in discussions around its meaning and implications.

Making its Mark: AI art influences how we talk and think about art in general. Its cultural impact can’t be underestimated, much like traditional art’s long-standing influence on society.

AI art, such as the images created by Midjourney, is highly relevant to the conversations and challenges of our time, particularly our relationship with technology. While opinions may vary on whether AI art counts as ‘real art’, there’s no denying its intriguing nature and legitimacy as a form of expression, nudging us to question and reassess our viewpoints.

This is my top sixth image with the prompt “A filipino woman in a futuristic suit looks at futuristic video screens, in the style of engineering/ construction and design, photo  realistic techniques, darkest academia, magewave, chaotic academia, violet and gray, virtual reality”.